Lionheart Credit Card Wallet Size Survival Kit Extreme Bug Out Bag Tool Ultimate Survival kit With Instructions Manual and Fishing String

Lionheart Credit Card Wallet Size Survival Kit Extreme Bug Out Bag Tool Ultimate Survival kit With Instructions Manual and Fishing String
Lionheart Credit Card Wallet Size Survival Kit Extreme Bug Out Bag Tool Ultimate Survival kit With Instructions Manual and Fishing String

  • Has been tested PERSONALLY by the seller
  • Fishing string
  • Snare trap instructions
  • Complete manual provided

Whether you drive long distances to work or enjoy a good hike there’s always one thing every person wants to be prepared for, emergency survival. When your everyday drive or outdoor activity goes wrong you don’t want to hear yourself saying ‘I’m not going to make it’ or ‘I have no idea how to survive I’m finished’ These thoughts not only cause panic but also literally tremendously decrease your chances of survival simply because the #1 ability any person would need in that kind situation is focus. With this card virtually any person would have significantly higher chance of survival whether it’s for wound mending, fishing, hunting, mini harpooning, branch cutting or snare trapping this card has got you covered

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