Here are some ideas to Help You Prepare for Survival

Ideas to Help You Prepare for Survival

Preparing for disasters before they strike is always a good idea. Waiting until disaster is about to strike will not allow you to survive. Today, we are going to go over some ideas to help you prepare for survival.

First things first. Don’t panic! It can seem overwhelming and a little daunting to think about what lies ahead of you but you can do this if you break it down into small chunks.
Start out by doing some research and start some lists of items that you are going to need. Break out the lists into categories such as Water, Food, First Aid, Gardening, Security/Firearms, Hunting/Fishing Supplies, Power/electrical, Communications to name a few. Include on the list any of the items that you already have in your possession.
Go through each list and see what you need to do in order to collect water for instance. Do you want to collect water in barrels? Do you have a swimming pool full of water? Do you live by a lake or stream where there is fresh water?

Food is the next big item you need to start thinking about. What should I buy? Where am I going to store it? What are the best foods to purchase for long term or short term survival? How long will the food stay fresh? There are definitely staples that you don’t want to be without like flour or rice. You can put these two items in sealed Mylar bags and 5 gallon containers to retain freshness. You will also need a nice dry, moderate storage area where there is not a lot of light.

Canned foods have a long shelf life. Again, do some research to see which canned foods are best to store for survival.
Survival Classes. Take some survival and protection classes ahead of time. If you don’t own a gun it is wise to think about purchasing one. You want to be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and all of the preparation supplies you have purchased. Take first aid/CPR classes. The world will not be the same if disaster strikes.
Learn how to garden. Start experimenting now so that if and when the time comes you will know how to grow your own food.

If you live in an area that allows chickens, buy some chickens and build a coop for them. Fresh eggs will be a great bartering item when the time comes.
How are you going to hunt for food? Do you have a bow and arrow, rifles or shotguns for killing larger animals?

What about a plan to get out of Dodge? Do you have a way of communicating with your loved ones when the cell towers go down? You need to put a plan in place where everyone will meet if disaster strikes. It can be your home or a safe place out of town if everyone can make it there.

Stock up on items that you will be able to barter away. Items such as bullets, ladies supplies, salt, clothing, tools, sewing supplies, first aid items, bottled water, cigarettes, alcohol…basically anything that someone will barter with you.

I have given you a few ideas to help you prepare for Survival. Again, do your own homework and research and get prepared today!

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