Category Archives: Survival Prepping Articles

Learning What To Pack For Survival

Are you someone who finds comfort in always being prepared for the worst? Whether you’re preparing for a lengthy trip into the wilderness or you simply would rather know what to do in the event of an emergency, there are plenty of survival tactics to consider when trekking outdoors. Here are a few preparations you can make that can make your outing run smoothly. One of the most important survival tactics is learning what to pack with […]

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Putting Together Your Survival Pack

Whether you’re planning a lengthy trip out into the wilderness or you just want to be prepared in the event of a weather-related emergency, it can’t hurt to have a few survival packs on hand in case something unexpected happens. Here are a few things to consider when creating your own survival packs. While there are plenty of already assembled packs available in a variety of stores and online locations, it’s best to customize them to your […]

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Here are some ideas to Help You Prepare for Survival

Ideas to Help You Prepare for Survival Preparing for disasters before they strike is always a good idea. Waiting until disaster is about to strike will not allow you to survive. Today, we are going to go over some ideas to help you prepare for survival. First things first. Don’t panic! It can seem overwhelming and a little daunting to think about what lies ahead of you but you can do this if you break it down […]

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What’s a 72 hour Bug Out Bag and why you need one

How would you feel if an unfortunate accident occurred that required you to survive on your own for a period of seventy-two hours? ‘Dreadful’ is probably the word you are looking for. If you wish to evade the discomfort of not having any essentials while experiencing such a predicament, you should start working on your ‘bug-out bag’ right away! A bug-out bag refers to a kit that contains the essentials that you would most likely require in […]

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Why it’s important to store some Survival Food

Everyone at some point in their lives may wonder what they would eat if they were stuck in a grid down situation a mass pandemic or even total societal collapse. While you may not necessarily find yourself in these exact situations, having a supply of survival food on hand can’t hurt when it comes to staying prepared. Here are a few ways that survival food packages can benefit you. In some cases, packing survival food is ideal […]

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